Oh My Gawd!

We got a new Mitel phone system installed in the office.

I connected the wires. I logged in. So far so good. I set up 30 odd other phones. I’m a helpful guy.

Then I noticed that I had to set up my voicemail. I pressed the appropriate buttons.

“Input your voicemail password” … Easy – login password 4 digits plus three more as provided in the email.

“Enter your new seven-digit password”… Oops (I wasn’t prepared for replacing the password)… 0000000

“Say your name as you like it to be said”… OK, no problems.


“Please say your outgoing message”… So I said “Sorry I am not available – please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can”.

That was it. Simple enough – until I noticed that when tested, people calling in only heard: “Sorry I am not available – please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can”… not my name. I ought to have said my name in both recordings. Damn.

I tried to erase and re-record the “Sorry I am not available – please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can”, but it wouldn’t let me. Never mind.

I overheard a colleague trying to do the same thing I had just done, so I said, “You have to be careful; if you get it wrong, you cannot change it”.

Unknown to me, the daft lassie admin person was in the middle of doing the same thing. When she heard me saying you cannot change the message recorded, she exclaimed, “What? Oh! My! Gawd!”

And this is what was recorded as her outgoing message.

When people call her and get voicemail, they are greeted with, “What? Oh! My! Gawd!”.

And she cannot change it.


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